Oh my gosh... Stressful day all around... It's just one of those days where I have to go on an endless ranting spree about idiotic immature students in high school... I put it behind a cut for your convenience, so don't bother readng unless you really want to know what makes me tick...
First period:the endless immaturity that outsiders call band class...
Here's what really gets me... There are true hypocrites in this class. I'm not talking about saying one thing and doing the next, it's that on a larger scale. As soon as the Evil Ditz Dictator went in to file attendance, the band president came up and talked to the band about what happened yesterday, which in my opinion really crossed the line. Not the talking, the behavior yesterday.
To understand half of went on, you have to know that yesterday was nothing but talking, talking, talking as EDD was trying to direct us. We have CWU band fest coming up in a week, and we're nowhere near ready... The entire percussion section was in the instrument closet practicing their drumline and when EDD tried to bring them out to play their parts, they all smartmouthed him like he was an idiot. (One of them happens to be an acquaintance of mine and we brought the argument that followed into second period...)
Well, back to the discussion, Jordan(Band Prez) was talking to everyone and explaining about how EDD is probably the best teacher we would have here so why were we driving him off? The Drum Major, Tom...he's the true hypocrite here. He rants to the band about respect and dedication, but he mouths off to EDD as much as the percussionists did yesterday, probably more over the last term! What right does he have to tell us off when he doesn't even follow his set regulations? The Junior Drum Major, Ash talked a little, even I spoke up. I am sick of this. I come into this class after dropping it last term to see that nothing has changed from last year. These morons have no respect, maturity, or dedication for any of their leaders and they can't hope to be true musicians unless they get their acts together and shape up. Fast. I won't be able to see it, unfortunately, as I am going to take college symphonic orchestra next year if I can manage it.
Second Period: Computer Programming
It drives me insane when aforementioned acquaintance tries to talk to me or mouth off to other respectable people who are minding their own business and annoy them constantly. Admittedly, the person in question here isn't really respectable, but whatever.
It also annoys me when the idiotic learning program we're on doesn't even coorelate the teaching material and the crap on the freaking exam!!!! First question: some gobboldeygook that wasn't even mentioned yet? What the hell?
The motherboard quiz was a piece of cake...naturally, it was actually a bore... Nothing much else...
Third Period:Chemistry...
...actually started quite early for me today. I went to see Hannah, bought my lunch at the student store, and then got a head start on my Chemistry exam...which took me a grand total of probably an hour... I then preceeded to read my book...and sneak out of class...How tiring...
Fourth Period: tired...zzz
Quizzes...more quizzes...and discussions riddleded with analysis problems. I am tired by now... Fed up with people in general, and I have to fill out a double entry journal... agh...
Homework over the weekend? Nothing but reading: "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. I read it on the bus(it is that short), and I knew I read this before. It is way too bleak...ugh...
I figure out that Last Author Standing results were posted during Chem, but I couldn't check them because I didn't have nearly enough time. As it turns out, I am not out yet... Good, but apparently my ending needed work. Apparently, 'non-flowing ending' is higher on the bad writing list than say 'crappy spelling' or 'horrendous grammar'. That was getting on my nerves... I'm happy with the compliment that I did get, even though it was from a friend... I'll post it for your convenience in another post, just so I can archive it...
Anyway, EDD has saved my life. Instead of taking the overnight trip into Ellensburg to play at the CWU band fest, we're leaving early Saturday morning and coming back later that night...
A small word on the fic to come: I seriously changed my usual style with this one. It is not only a strange way of writing for me, with the descriptions and all, but it also has a pairing that I've never written in my life. Actually, I've never tried to write this pairing, because I really never saw a reason for it until this prompt. I'll admit that my ending was kind of abrupt, but I had meant for it to be that way, as 1. I needed to wrap it up soon or I'd be going out of the limitations, word count wise, and 2. I wanted a sort of realistic ending, kind of an excerpt form, if you will... I'll let you read it soon and post your opinion...
I should get to doing that...Farewell...