Let's take the one thing that has been stressing me out all week for example.
house_las voting polls are still up, will stay up until tomorrow, and I'm here biting my fingernails and watching the polls every ten minutes. I even find myself bypassing the school's firewalls to check it during lunch...
I have more votes this round than I had before, and it's scaring me. Both Wilson and Katy said my story was good, great even, even though Katy admitted she was won over by a distinction of it. I'm a perfectionist, arrogant, and most clearly of all, quite OCD about my writing style and if someone doesn't like it, I want to know why. To put in an obvious example, in my first tries at fanfiction, I always used Original Characters in my fics, because I always wanted a sort of medium to experience what I was writing. I was always careful to avoid the dreaded Sue(even though at the time I had no idea what a Sue was), but when people explained to watch out, I did. I want that kind of criticism, forewarning, advice, concrit, whathaveyou....
When people 'flame', and I'm not talking about overbearing concrit here, I'm talking about stuff where the sender is a hypocrite who has no idea how to write themselves and then blast you for some aspect of your story that they didn't like, I get pissed. As Katy once told me, "If you're gonna flame, leave a name." Half of the people I've found to do this were on ffnet, and most(if not all) of them were anonymous reviews that listed no email address. They're cowards, not willing to back up their reasoning with actual words instead of capslocked 'you suck''s
How I went from voting to flaming is unknown, so please forgive me. I'm not trying to associate them as one in the same even though I see it that way because while the mod of the community allows you to leave feedback, no one(save me or Wilson, or Katy for that matter[her comment didn't get through last week because it was entirely too harsh]) has ever actually used it for concrit or negative feedback, which I actually find better advice than endless praise.
So all in all, because I'm just curious like that, I'd really like to know who voted for my fic... I think everyone would long for that knowledge, no?
On a slightly uglier note, I completely lost the story I was going to post here eventually. I have no idea what happened. I was working on it on Monday, but when I tried to bring it up again, it erased the entire file on me. All I remember now was the first sentence. That alone should be enough, combined with the plot in my head, to start this over again and make it even better than before possibly. Ever since my experience with losing 'At the Knife's Edge', I guess I've become a little less ticked at it, and a little more willing for change. My first sentence in that was perfect though...I'm keeping it...
What else was I going to bring up? Oh, school is idiotic, but I did get my Data Match lists in today. There are some people on my list that just disgust me. What did I answer to ever get them? Band is stupid. I have officially made my decision to take symphonic Orchestra at the community college next year, hopefully persue my musical interests in a place where they'd be more welcome, instead of a high school class that is nothing but babysitting...While I'm at it, I can get my foreign language and a few specialized science classes out of my way... I might even take that HTML coding class that they have there... Well, that's not for a while, as I still have a few months before I have to take the enterance exam... Unfortunately, I'll still be part time at the high school, but C'est la vie...
We were having a discussion in Short Stories today...the topic of cliches came up...Necessity is the mother of invention... LOLZ...
Basketball Game Friday...District Playoffs... I hope I survive the yelling masses... I still don't have half the music I need. Even more proof that French horns have no place in pep band...I should've switched to Euphonium for those purposes...
Well, I have a huge concept map that I have to do for Chem...so I should go. I also have Wilson who will call me anytime, as soon as she gets home from Driver's Ed DAMMIT!!!! Farewell...