(no subject)

Jul 09, 2010 22:59

MadLibs post!

I am so [adjective] about packing my [expletive] apartment. It is too [expletive] [synonym for "hot"] outside right now. I just want to [refreshing activity] and eat [cold food], but instead I have to [adjective] all my [expletive] [adjective] [expletive] possessions into [number*] [plural noun].


* Ideally this number will be quite small, and the noun will be "suitcases" or "boxes". This is wishful thinking at the moment. I need to keep culling. (If I had an Edward to throw away, I'd be Edward Culling. Har).

I'm moving out of my apartment, will be staying with my roommate in her new, tiny, place for a few weeks then moving to Pittsburgh in August for grad school. In the meantime, I really need to condense what I own -- I already donated a ton, but finally living in one place for more than four months at a time means that I've accumulated quite a bit of random stuff.

Thankfully, my mother is going to come visit for a few days and I have asked her to take some items home with her. I believe I will have to give up my sewing machine for the moment, since I won't have time to sew at school and it really seems excessive to drag it 2,000 miles for it to sit neglected in a corner, begging me to use it.

P.S. Somebody needs to buy my bed, ASAP. :S
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