Jun 28, 2011 22:00
For the last 3 years i have been trying and failing at getting a permenant job at a number of different companies.
Today was the day i was supposed to change that and get the Job i have been working so damned hard to get.
I have spent 6 months learning their systems, becoming fairly good friends with my team and getting on very well with all the users of the network.
I am always polite and have proved my knowledge on their systems time and time again.
But i guess it just wasn't meant to be, they passed the job i had fought so hard to get to someone who was just...more qualified.
Well i say more qualified i mean he has qualifications and training in areas i didn't and that they just happened to be the ones that the company wants to expand into in the next year or so.
So they have given the job to someone who has the qualifications that none of the team currently have in an effort to move the process along a bit.
This upsets me in two ways.
1: I did and would bend over backwards to help these people, i would take my own unpaid time and help them repair servers and gave up my bank holidays so that they had cover over those days and that the guys could rest easy and take a well deserved long weekend.
2: I feel very sad and angry because think i wasted time with them. I spent yet another half year of my life learning new software but gaining no qualifications that the industry i work in recognise. Every year newer and better software is released and everyone demands to have people certified in these programs otherwise you may as well not bother.
I hit 31 next week and realised that the last time i gained a Microsoft qualification was 2005. thats 6 years ago...in that length of time we have had two new versions of a Windows OS being released and umpteen versions of SQL, Office and the rest.
I guess i am saying a i feel a little outdated and very cheated by all of my employers over the last 6 years, all of them have promised me training and qualifications that i have asked for and not a single one has done it.
I have had training, that i am not denying but actual qualifications.....not one. and in a industry where the idea seems to be about collecting the right pieces of paper, i am now very lacking in the right pages.
How many more times am i going to have to work for a extended contract with the promise of a permenant job only to have someone step in from the cold and take the very job i have worked so hard to achieve.
I am so very very tired of working for a pittance, putting myself out for my employers and then watching them give the prize away at the last minute.
Sorry for the whinge....i just want the carrot for once, i am tired of being beaten half to death with the stick.