(no subject)

Nov 11, 2010 01:03

calories were more than I wanted today because dad took me out for breakfast...
french toast ugh.
I've no problem with french toast when *I* make it, because the calories on mine are much much lower. but restaurants? yeesh.

but i was good and had a diet coke for lunch,

and kept my eating for the rest of the day contained to:

-two 40-cal hot dogs
-1 slice 45 cal bread
-1 slice of 60 cal cheese
-1 80 cal whole wheat waffle
- water
- 2 mini hershey bars

I also got some extra exercise when I ran from building to building (3 flights of stairs in each) trying to get myenrollment taken care of,
and just now I did 3 miles worth of low impact aerobics on a Leslie Sansone video.

so the  3 miles helped burn off about 200 calories and my stomach feels empty now, so that's good. no more food today.
I need to start keeping a physical food journal again. that helped a lot when I did that before.

I want to look good for thanksgiving, christmas, and further out, valentines day and graduation.

I think i've convinced the boy to do a fitness challenge with me, so we are going walking this saturday i think and maybe also doing a few pushups and situps.
I'd like to shed 5-10 pounds, ...weighing 110 pounds would be awesome i think.

sorry i'm rambling...
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