Let’s Talk About Sex

Nov 19, 2008 19:08

I’ve started a sex blog called "Its All About Us" for women only. What is a sex blog some of you may ask? I have no idea. It started because of a call for reviewers of sex related products. The people offering the job (paid in product - wink wink) suggested that stated a sex related blog would be easy to build readership and fun. Now, since I started doing more erotica calls recently, I had to agree for many reasons that this specialized blog sound like a decent enough idea. To be truthful I have no idea what to put on it. I could post bits of my erotic stories, random thoughts on beauty and sex from yours truly, the reviews of course, useful sex articles…what do you all think? Us there any sex blogs you visit and really enjoy? If so, what makes them something you want to return to?

random thoughts, sex

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