Takin’ the good with the bad

Sep 09, 2008 23:17

Okay, the past couple of days has had a bit of both, so I’ll share the bad stuff so I can sugar it up with the good. :)

The bad…

I got a rejection on Oh It’s Magic, but not a horrible one. They say… “The story comes across as thrown together, and rushed.  The characters need more development so the reader is  interested in them and their plight. The beginning was a bit rough.  The meaning behind testing Juniper to join the "good" side could use some fluffing out.  What is the idea/meaning/importance of winning this war?  The trio sex scenes got me lost (and not because I am not into threesomes!).  My mind's eye could not follow the movements and keep the characters straight as to what they were doing. I would encourage you to work on this manuscript, fluffing it up/rounding it out, and to re-submit it to us.”

So, not horrible, since I could look at what need to be fixed and resubmit…the trouble is I have been over this peace so many times before and saw none of these issues not did the 10 betas that read it as well. (sigh)

They also said “However, I can take the Devil's Advocate point and say that you may prefer the manuscript as is.  If that is the case, I encourage you to continue your search in finding a publisher that will publish the work as you've written it!”

Also a fair point. The thing is I really trust the opinion of the person who read this, so it leads me to lean toward the looking at what needs to be fixed end of the equation.

This is what I am thinking I’ll do. I still have to finish the sequel to Ancestral Magic (Shadow Magic) which is in the last stages of edits, and do the sequel to Natural Order (Natural Rebirth-working title which is likely to become my Nanowrimo). I figure by the time I finish those and have them ready to be submitted, and complete the changes to Bloodstained Innocence and White Lotus it’ll be near the end of the year and give me plenty of time away from Oh It’s Magic for a fresh set of eyes.

I asked an author friend to take a pre release look at Ancestral Magic to do a blurb and she did a whole review. Very exciting. You can find it at http://joliedupre.blogspot.com/

Good news…

oh its magic, reviews, about moon, rejection, 2008 goals

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