Thursday Thirteen #37 "In Memory of Steve Irwin”

Sep 04, 2008 10:59

In Memory of Steve Irwin

(February 22, 1962 - September 4, 2006)

For so many reasons the favored son of the Goddess was well loved in our house, and 2 years ago today She took him back home beyond the veil. Myself and my son still grieve his loss, my son because of how Steve inspired him and his future goals to protect animals and educate people about conservation, and myself for the light and passion Steve awakened in my son’s heart. Steve had his critics, in fact I was once one, long before I was introduced to the how deep the heart of the Crocodile hunter was and why he did the work he did.

Steve Irwin’s passion and love for the animals who had no none else to speak for them knew no bounds. And for this and many more reasons I honor him on this day with some of my favorite Steveo moments…

1) “Steve meets Ross the Intern” (if this doesn’t make you laugh out load check your pulse)

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3) “Interview With Steve & Terri Irwin on Collision Course”

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6) Crocodile Hunter: Most Embarrassing Moments

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7) Steve Irwin, Terri Love At First Site

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8) Wiggles Safari

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11) Steve Irwin Wildlife Rescue - Bushfire Part 1

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Bushfire Part 2

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12) Steve Irwin's Ocean's Deadliest -Part 1

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Ocean's Deadliest -Part 2

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Ocean's Deadliest -Part 3

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13) Steve Irwin 1962 to 2006

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(sorry so sound on this next one)

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thursday thirteen, tribute, video

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