Women and Words update: Objectively Speaking by Clifford Henderson

Jul 14, 2008 00:25

There's some great stuff over at the Women and Words blog this weekend. Clifford Henderson has a great post going on about character building that's not to miss. Go forth and check it out!

Cliffi here to talk about “The Big O.” Now, before you start salivating, or running for some privacy, let me warn you, it’s not what you might think.

It was one of those days. The writing wasn’t coming easy. Or, editing, I should say. Eagle-eye Cindy Cresap, my editor, made the case that one of the relationships in my novel needed a bit of beefing up. The chapter I was working on today was crucial in that it’s the first time we see the two characters alone together.

read the rest here!

women and words blog, lgbtq, writing tips

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