Thursday Thirteen #12 "Thirteen TV Shows I Grew Up On"

Nov 14, 2007 20:13

Okay, I’ve been very serious lately, and as I near the end of my Nano run (just crested 45,000 as of last night) I thought we might do a fun topic I got from another TTer last week. So my TT title for this week is...

*drum roll please*

Thirteen TV Shows I Grew Up On.

For each of the shows listed I added an audio of theme songs and a visual link (some very long) for your enjoyment. So how many of these do you all remember?


1) Wonder Woman

One of my favorite scenes from the show.

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2) Spider Man

I love the Lizardman episodes

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3) Muppet Show

I love Animal

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4) Fact of Life

I really like these scenes. Just a peek at the first woman to steal my heart.

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One last peek just for good measure. Can you guess who she is now?

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5) Bionic Woman

I know it’s hooky, but it was cool when I was a kid

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6) Star Trek

Now, I know I just did a Roddenberry tribute last week, so here’s a different clip than I used then.

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7) Kung Fu

I loved this show, but it confused me as well. As a little girl I never understood why everyone called the white guy, China man. Years later, when I learned the part was meant and created by Bruce Lee, it all made sense. I can’t help but think how much cooler this show would have been with Bruce in the lead *sigh*  I did learn later that like me, David is of Cherokee ancestry, which if he'd have played a mixed heritage Indian would have been much more interesting to me as a kid. I personally would have LOVED Bruce in Kung Fu instead.

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8) Wild Kingdom

And this show began my years as a nature show junkie…it seems an addiction passed on through uteruo to my son. :)

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I admit watching this episode not, I’m glad shows are kinder now that my kids are watching them.

9) Electric Company

I admit liking Sesame Street, but the Elec Co was the coooooolest! When it went off the air, that was a crime!

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10) Monkees

Okay who here didn’t have a crush on Davy or Mickey at some point?

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11) Super Friends

I know, it was corny, but I loved super heroes, and my choices as a kids were wee bit limited.

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12) Incredible Hulk -1976

I know this sounds weird, but I had a bit of a crush on the Hulk….not Lou, or David Banner…the Hulk…I was not a normal child.

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13) Land of the Lost

Okay, this was just silly fun (warning super long clip-full episode)

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and a bonus...

Lost in Space

This was a goofy show and I just couldn't get enough of it.

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