On Break - Learning something new … "Making Pie Crusts" and Garlic Super Speed"

Dec 22, 2013 19:58

Break has begun. Those of you that know me, know I don't like to be idle. I also have been very bad abut blogging and want to get back into the habit. I've been missing my friends a lot since I've started back to school, plus thought it might be fun sharing what I am trying to learn over the winter break.  Today Ive been doing research of cooking techniques to make healthy dinners on a budget as well as stuff I can make ahead of time for school lunches/dinners for those long days on campus. I thought making savory tarts I could freeze and cook up later would be a good place to start, so I found these two vids I thought might be helpful. Note: the second vid is great but refused to embed properly on LJ so I had to use a link.

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cooking prep, vids, cooking

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