Taking a deep breath...

Sep 27, 2011 08:36

Been a crazy month so far, but full of good stuff, too.

I've been working hard gathering costume and prop stuff for "A Piece of my Heart", a play honoring the women who served in Vietnam we’re doing at Peck School of the Arts @ UW-Milwaukee this fall. The cast is amazing. Not even a full month into rehearsals and they were already making me laugh hard and giving me shivers at last week’s rehearsal I was at. I gotta hit the Army/Navy Surplus store today with the director to get a few more things we need, but we're getting there as far as my end of things.

Another big thing I'm working on, beside a ton of school work (including the dreaded math) and mom duties is working on the Witches'/Witch's Ball for Nov (there is some discussion about the name currently, whether it should read multiple or singular witch possessive. We need to figure that out before we do the flyers this week :P). It’s our first big event, so a real challenge but we’re excited to get it off the ground. Gonna have a DJ, divinations, workshops, ritual, movies, all kinds of things happening. We had our (hopefully) last event planning meeting with the UWM staff so hopefully that’s all set. No nasty surprises. If all goes well marketing documents will hit the printer end of the week.

Another fun event we are working on for the upcoming spring grant application is our Fairy (or Faery, still deciding) Ball. Now the Fairy Ball will be a part of the yearly Ostara event we are doing with the Pagan Unity Council in Milwaukee, and while we hope to set up the Ostara event to be a two day thing, the Fairy Ball part will be just on Saturday. Not only is the Fairy Ball a dance but we are also planning a gender-open fairy pageant where adults can run for king or queen, kids for prince or princess, and the runners up in each category get to be the fairy court with their own special “fairy court table” for the dance and possibly the ritual. I am totally excited about that.

So, yeah lots for me to do lately, keeps me out of trouble I guess :) Talk to y’all soon.

pagan, theatre, lgbtq, about moon, uwm, ritual work, transgender, school, two-spirit, update

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