And it begins...

Sep 06, 2011 09:04

Sitting in the office of the Pagan Student Fellowship on campus (yes, I am the org pres, is anyone really all that surprised?) and taking in the reality of the first day back and what all that means, good and the bad. The semester always looks so immense from this side of it, but in not long the semester will fly by and I will be pleading the universe for "just a little more time" to finish stuff.

I am making a promise to myself this semester (you are all my witnesses now!) to not only work hard to keep my grades up (got a cgpa of 3.699, something like 3.9 or so with my theatre gpa), but to not let my writing go abandoned in the process. I always feel better when I can get some writing time in, and I have plenty things needing revisions. I am also hoping to get to do Nanowrimo, especially since the work on the play I'm teching for will be done by then, but that's a softer goal. I also promise to make an effort to blog this semester rather than leaving empty air for months at a time. It might mean scheduling blogging time on my calendar to keep me focused.

If anyone has really loved (or hated) topics I have done here in the past, feel free to let me know. Give me ideas on what to talk about. And comment! It lets me know people are reading, even if you hate it or disagree, that's still catalyst for conversation. Hope everyone summer is great and that the rest of the year hold positive change and joy.

p.s I got my first Kindle, now I just need stuff to put on it!

goals 2011, theatre, kindle, about moon, education, ebooks

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