Meandering thoughts…

Jul 01, 2011 12:04

I know I am supposed to be working on the rewrites to Shadow Magic, and I am…got to chapter 7 this week, but this fantasy YA LGBT series is just picking at me and I feel the urge to work on the research a bit too, maybe post some of the world building ideas, and get folks thoughts on what I come up with. Now I can do that here or just on my new writing blog, depending on if folks are interested in see the research and world building stuff as I do it.

Just a bit of back information, the main character and first couple books are in a continent/culture I am designing based in a fantasy version of pre-colonial Africa. I have like 27+ different cultures I am working on the details of that live on this continent, many based on what limited info I can get on real life groups in Africa (one reason I have been researching this story for several years now, very little info found on precolonial Africa as a whole, but luckily I got folks on campus that specialize in this stuff some of which have offered to let me pick their brain), and the main character is part of one of those, a group of people who are the story keepers and traveling bards of this continent. There will be other continents I deal with as the series goes on, some based in part on real life earth cultures, some not. Just wondered if folks are interested in seeing me post this info as I create it as well as some story bits. If so look let me know, and in the future look for the tag "Path of the Huntress".

research adventures, path of the huntress, writing

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