Yesterday's Fun! :)

Apr 13, 2009 10:14

I had a great time at the Broad Vocab Coop brunch yesterday. I got there with Adrian and the kids to find out they were short staffed in the kitchen. So I jumped in and got behind the griddle to lend a hand. I placed some pics taken whole I am on duty as griddle goddess for you all to chuckle at. I am so not dressed for taking pics in my Sunday morning comfy clothes.

Here’s me and Baba trying to get things going. It took all my butchy creativity to figure out how to get the griddles staying hot. They kept shutting off on us. I moved stuff around a bit and finally got it working okay, as long as I kept checking the red lights and resetting the surge button when the lights went out.

It was a ton of fun. I met many new folks and I am really looking forward to the store opening back up. I miss Broad Vocabulary as do my kids.

On a side note, like many of you I look for new ways to bring more readers to my blog to share in the fun and to increase the usefulness of it as a marketing tool. A friend recently mentioned places like and Have you all had experience with places like these. What are other way bloogers can bring more new readers to their blogs?

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