Pondering farwells and question

Mar 01, 2009 18:15

I’m having a challenging day trying to wrap my brain around something beside what happened this afternoon. For now I’ll talk about something else outside the cut, and spare you all.

A friend of mine in Madison passed away, and all I can think about right now is that I didn’t even know she was in the hospital. One of the reasons I hate not living in Madison. When my spiritual community needs me I’m 90 min or more away, so I remain way out of the loop when stuff like this is going on. I found out an hour before she dies she was transitioning and priestess were being called to do service. This is the women who taught many of us the craft of death midwifery, and now she’s gone. I should be sad, but I’m numb, at a loss for what to feel. I just hope when the time comes to use what she taught us, that even though I’m far away, I’ll be called to do that for her. I’d like the chance to serve my sister, my teacher, in that way.

I’m thinking about doing the Samhain Publishing bondage call, but would like suggestions of good resources and book involving light bondage content that I can use as part of my research. I don’t want anything intense because it won’t fit the tone of the story I’m doing, but something more playful would work well.

random thoughts, writing

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