Bad Medicine....

Feb 09, 2009 12:41

I’ve had about as much as I can take of this crazy ass woman. This is the kinda scary monster who nearly came a heartbeat away from the White House. I can’t imagine what it must be like for these animals to be attacked by some metal bird they can defend themselves against, that in the snowy wastes they can’t even run from. $150 a forepaw, is that what their lives have come to? That’s sure some bad medicine, Ms Palin.

image Click to view

This is not the least of the evil this woman casts upon the land and the people she is sworn to protect, but in this case a video commercial has been created to healp spread the word. Be warned that the video behind the link is hard to watch, in fact it brought me to angry tears. Do not let our wolven and other carnivore breathen fall to this monster. Let the slaughter end with our cry of outrage. Spread the word, donate if you can, whatever will stop these killings.

Palin's Extreme Anti-Conservation Agenda to be Exposed in National Campaign

enviromental, video

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