Jan 30, 2009 07:25

And the winner of today's festering asshole award goes to...

Luke Jackson, who thought it would be funny to post the picture of an lj activist on his blog ( kynn ) and poke fun at them, giving folks a reason to perhaps think twice before seeking to do business with Choe, Jackson, and Weitz law firm. For shame, Mr Jackson. You have now linked your asshatry with your pro-life, not a good plan. I wonder how your partners would feel when the Cali folks see your behavior and deside not to use the firm because of it.

To be honest I struggled with myself on whether or not to post the link to the blog, since the last thing I wanted to do was give this guy more traffic to his blog. I desided in case anyone with professional business writing skills wanted to let his partners at Choe, Jackson, and Weitz know what Mr. Jackson was doing that might put a bad shine on the type of people they have working for them, that the letter writer should be able to gauge the offending post for themselves.


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