weekend plans

Jun 20, 2009 09:39

So, shockingly enough I have a lot of plans for the weekend. Mom & Dad are up visiting so my next few days look something like this:

Saturday- clean for party, have a party -even if the weather does not cooperate-, clean up after party.

Sunday- go to church, tour The Mansion, Father's Day lunch @ The Monroe, paint the kitchen

Monday - I go to work early & stay late due to a coworker being out for training. Monday night review invitations for the wedding with Mom and get them all set to be sent out.

Tuesday- I go to work early & stay late due to a coworker being out for training. Tuesday night we go straight to the Jimmy Buffet concert (2 hours away) with a quick dinner on the road. Go Go Quiznos!

Wednesday- Mom & Dad leave. I go to work early & late. Pack for the our vacation. Clean up house... try to relax.

Thursday- Go to work, leave early for doc appt, go to Origins in Columbus, meet up with friends for dinner and hang out the rest of the night.

Friday - Sunday- Origins Game Fair!!!!
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