busy schedules

Apr 18, 2009 16:44

Monday - I did nothing
Tuesday - Choir rehersal / cards with the Neigh clan
Wednesday - Class then Pens game
Thursday - Went out to dinner, studied math with Phil for 3 hours
Friday - Friends over to watch Pens game & BBQ
Saturday - yard saleing, lunch out, yard saleing, friends over for Serenity & BBQ
Sunday - Church, friends over to watch the Pens game & BBQ
Monday - Cleaning & Laundry while Phil is out playing cards with the boys
Tuesday - Pens game, choir rehersal, dinner with Neigh family
Wednesday - Class, celebratory dinner w/ classmates after class
Thursday - Pens game & Leia over for BBQ
Friday - heaven help me I don't know!!!

can you tell that we like to BBQ?
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