The Night Before Christmas...

Dec 24, 2008 13:33

Wow time flies... I still maintain that this isn't my season, but I'm feeling better about it. I found out I have a couple family member in town that I didn't know were coming home!!! That definitely sort of made it for me! That and one of my aunts who I thought hated my father gave me a gift that almost made me cry (she told me to open it early. It was a picture of me and my dad when I was just a baby... maybe around the monkey's age or younger... :-) It was awesome! And there's even a copy that I can give to him next time I see him!

Salisbury was short, but good. I found out why I didn't have a bassinet or take part in that sleeping in foolishness... Dad borrowed a playpen for the monkey to sleep in while we were there and every time he moved I woke up! It was awful!

We also visited my grandmother and found out I am related by marriage to squigzella . How trippy is that? My nan's late husband was her great uncle... What a small world...

I planned on going out today... Karma didn't leave as early as she intended and the sidewalk isn't plowed wide enough that I can get my huge ass stroller onto the road!!! I am actually trapped in my apartment... grrr.... I should probably take this time to peel potatoes and carrots... *sigh*

Tonight, my sister and mother are going to be here for supper. I hope this doesn't turn into me and her fighting... I'm sure she'll be too busy mauling my poor kid to bother... and tomorrow we partake in a traditional Christmas... we will be here til 2 maybe... go to my aunt's for a couple hours then go to Rendell's til 8 and come home to sweet sweet sleep!

"When we remember a special Christmas, it is not the presents that made it special, but the laughter, the feeling of love, and the togetherness of friends and family that made that Christmas special." ~~Catherine Pulsifer

Merry Christmas, Safe Travels and Happy New Year!!!

quotes, travel, home, health, food, holiday

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