Nov 07, 2005 11:30
Well, that's it.
I'm a fucking filmmaker. No denying it anymore. I have stories to tell, and I want to tell them. I want to engage you, entertain you.
I don't want to obscurely illustrate an aspect of popular culture to you, I don't want to pretend that you need an illustration of what I think is your own fucking life.
I don't want to create abstract and indecipherable aesthetics. I don't want to ignore rigorous technical brilliance. I don't want to produce cheeky half-ideas.
I don't want to reference people you've never heard of and walk away.
I don't want to dismiss visceral enjoyment.
I want to have fun. I want you to have fun.
I want to relate to other people. I want other people to relate to me.
I don't want to critique popular culture for existing. I want to embrace it.
I don't want a fucking tally of the books I've read anymore. And I don't want to hear yours.
I don't want to hear about how experimental everyone is. I'm not. Unique doesn't mean experimental, and experimental doesn't mean good.
I don't want to make things based of theory. Why do we need to see that? Theory is based on made things that already exist. If you want to read theory, read theory. Don't fucking stick a glass of water on a shelf and call it "Greenberg's Dissection page 12."
I don't want to replicate items over and over again.
FIlm, music, and performance. There is nothing else worth bothering about.
And what is up with fucking wine and cheese receptions?