OMG, I've been so consumed with news and other stuff this week, I had no idea ...
Geoffrey Rush is on the Craig Ferguson show tonight!!! Continuing in his tradition of getting great guests on the show, like Michael Sheen, Timothy Spall, Forest Whitaker ... Geoffrey!!! :D Thank goodness I watch this show every night anyway.
Psst! A couple of
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I didn't get the reference. Or was it a reference to anything at all???
Or was Geoffrey slightly inebriated? XD
Besides pirates and showing likealike photos of Paul McCartney/Angela Lansbury and kangaroo testicles (etc.), Craig loooooves to do impressions from the movie Silence of the Lambs. His favorite is imitating that naked dance the serial killer does in front of the mirror while saying "put the lotion in the basket," which he did again last night. But lately, he's taken to referencing Anthony Hopkins when he unnerves a senator by asking her if she breastfed her child. "Toughened your nipples, didn't it?" he keeps saying in a perfect Anthony Hopkins impression. He must have said it three or four times before Geoffrey came out ( ... )
Oh! And regarding how the prostate exam came up, he spent a good part of the monologue talking about having had a physical that day, including the prostate exam. (When he doesn't get too silly, Craig can be a really good interviewer/conversationalist, and the way he makes eye contact with his guests, I think he gets many of them to let their guard down to the point where they feel like they're having a private conversation with him, and with the audience howling with approving laughter, that's gotta just add encouragement!)
Darn it, I need a Columbo userpic, with his famous catchphrase, "Uh, just one more thing ..."!
So what you're saying make sense.
I did rewatch the beginning right before Geoffrey comes out and I saw Craig do something silly with his hands and that "Geoff" robot said " he was turned on". So I thought maybe Geoffrey was turning toward the robot and doing it?????
Who knows??? I liked it though because it seemed like Geoffy's kinky side was coming through!
* Here's the "put the lotion in the basket" scene.
* And here is the infamous dance Craig keeps imitating (which gets less and less like the original every time he does it). To minimize spoilerage, skip straight to 2:15.
BTW, I think Silence of the Lambs is the only horror film to date to win an Oscar for Best Picture! At least, I recall it was the first.
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