OMG, I've been so consumed with news and other stuff this week, I had no idea ...
Geoffrey Rush is on the Craig Ferguson show tonight!!! Continuing in his tradition of getting great guests on the show, like Michael Sheen, Timothy Spall, Forest Whitaker ... Geoffrey!!! :D Thank goodness I watch this show every night anyway.
Psst! A couple of
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Re: Kangaroo testicles ... well, it's a long story, actually, a running joke on the show. When Carrie Fisher was on, she had just come back from Australia, and she brought Craig a souvenir: a keychain made from a pair of kangaroo testicles. To add insult to injury to the poor kangaroo, Craig took out a Sharpie marker and drew a smiley face on them to make them look less intimidating. He had it among the knick-knacks on his desk for a few months. He even attached them to Geoff, his robot skeleton sidekick at one point. A few weeks ago, he had a woman on as a guest who was about to make a trek to the North Pole. So he asked if she would take the kangaroo testicles to the North Pole with her and bring them back so he could say they've been to the North Pole! We're still awaiting their return.
Anyway, anybody (like Geoffrey) who watches the show regularly would know about the kangaroo testicles, which somehow came up in conversation. So I'm still wondering if Geoffrey was joking when he said that they give them out to everyone who comes to Australia. (I suspect he was, in a deadpan way, since they then started talking about other Aussie stereotypes, like emus and kangaroos hopping about everywhere.)
OMG, I just realized something. As pervy as the conversation got, I think Craig made it through most of if not the entire show without swearing and getting bleeped! (He's constantly at war with the CBS censor about that. Apparently, it costs them too much money to keep bleeping him. He says.) Another good reason to rewatch, just to check. (I was only half-paying attention to the monologue cuz I was posting the first part of this while it was on.)
Let me know if you can't watch it, and I'll try to find a way to get it to you. But I had to start a new DVD to record it, and it's not finalized yet, so I have no way to share it yet. I'm keeping the extra space for upcoming POTC publicity. (BTW, Craig F. is a big pirate fan! He must have been seriously thrilled to have Geoffrey on the show.)
Can't wait to read your running commentary when you do see it! Oh, and the Daily Show clip has been posted! (Watch it; it's hilarious! It also reminded me of Second Life! Although I'm in the process of switching over to InWorldz; it's pretty much the same thing but much less expensive and getting more popular due to SL's stupid new "user-friendly" viewer. It's nothing of the kind!)
So yeah, if you're fit and healthy at the time and don't fancy emptying 10 to 15 thousand outta your wallet, then it's totally fine; as in on very long haul they look after you extremely well whatever class you're travelling in - warm blankets, overnight goodie bags with lots of chocolates and crackers and cheese etc and eye masks and all the usual stuff like toothpaste and travel toothbrush etc and all the drinks you could want, so in that way it's nothing like a domestic economy/coach flight, in that way I was quite surprised.
haha that's hilarious though about the 'souvenir'... lol funny that he drew on it though! I might have time to watch it tonight - just checked my email before and it looks as if there are videos of the show all over the place now so that's all good. If not, I shall watch it Friday night.
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