End of year greetings

Dec 15, 2010 03:04

Just want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season ... before it's over (hey, it's not over till New Year's Day, right?) ... and of course a happy 2011.

Just to let you know, I've been overwhelmed lately with more stuff than usual for the year's end, so I probably won't be on LJ much (if at all) for the next few weeks. I hope to make amends in the new year and start keeping up better with my f-list again--like I did back when I was addicted to LiveJournal, like I used to be with Second Life, like I used to be with MySpace ... OMG, enough already with the social networks, lol! Besides the aforementioned, I'm also bouncing around between Facebook, weRead, deviantArt, Flixster and my latest discovery, InWorldz, a vastly cheaper alternative to Second Life if you want to own land. I even have a Twitter account only cuz Michael Sheen does, but I almost never get around to checking that at all! And my "real life," which I put in quotes since I know you are all real too, even though we may not all live in the same place, but on the Internet, it doesn't matter. In fact, I feel I know many of you here better than I know my in-person acquaintances and even some of my own family. (Since I won't be here, please, I'd be very grateful if somebody'd let me know--assuming you're here, haha--if there's anything important going on in Geoffrey Rush and/or Michael Emerson news that I should know about! Like when tickets go on sale for Diary of a Madman and when the Big Rushie Meet is--or when the various little rushie meets are.)

Not to mention, after there being almost nothing in theatres I wanted to see all year (except Hereafter, which was great; The Damned United starring the "union" of Michael Sheen/Timothy Spall!, The Social Network and Secretariat were pretty good, and Inception was vastly overrated!), suddenly we are being bombarded with films I absolutely must see in the next few weeks, in between Christmas shopping, trying to get my cards out on time for once (Edit: Done! It's a Christmas holiday miracle!), extracting my car from the snow so I can get out of the house, and other time-sensitive personal matters that need to be dealt with. Here's my To See list (with the ones I've already seen crossed off and the actor I want to see it for, if any, in parentheses):

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall)
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole (Geoffrey Rush)
The Warrior's Way (Geoffrey Rush)
TRON (Michael Sheen)
The King's Speech (2010 Golden Globe nominee and Oscar shoe-in Geoffrey Rush, Timothy Spall)
Edit: The Tempest (Tom Conti, Alan Cumming, Alfred Molina, Russell Brand)

It's the Rushiest time of the year! (In so many ways, lol.)

I want to see Harry Potter again, but after the first viewing, I realized they've finally made a film faithful enough to the book and complex enough that I want to read, nay, study the book again first! Except I'm determined to get through the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers book before starting anything else, and that's proving a task nearly as difficult as being the ring-bearer himself! Before enthralling you all with my Harry Potter review, of course, lol.

So for now, I'll leave you with four videos (and Yorkshiremen) I've enjoyed recently, getting the politics out of the way first ...

OK, well, unless your browser works differently from mine, I guess I won't be embedding that one (are LiveJournal and Comedy Central having a feud or what?), so here is the link to the Daily Show skewering of the Congress members who gave the 9/11 first responders the shaft this week:


BTW, if anybody wants to join InWorldz (it's free to join and currency, if you need it, is about half the price of what it costs in Second Life, among many other advantages!), I don't know if I win something if you use it to sign up, but my referral code is 7HE1BAQNy7. Also, I suggest using the Imprudence viewer to access it rather than the InWorldz one, which tends to crash more and has fewer preference options. (Imprudence is also compatible with Second Life. For now.) And since InWorldz is pretty new, there's no real orientation program, so it helps to have Second Life experience (most everyone there is an SL refugee!), but if you need help getting started, I'll be glad to do so.

Add that to my Must-See (Geoffrey Rush) list for May! (Followed by the Harry Potter/Snape finale in June!)

And now for something completely different to leave you with a good laugh, I hope:

second life, barbossa, pirates of the caribbean, holidays, alan rickman, humor, social networking, movies, timothy spall, michael sheen, video, geoffrey rush, harry potter, politics, the daily show, inworldz

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