Lost: "What They Died For"

May 18, 2010 22:03

My stream-of-consciousness thoughts as I watched the penultimate episode of the best TV show evarrrrrr:

Jack's turn to wake up again. (Oh no, not an all-Jack-isode.) Looks like we're back to sideways time where he first notices the cut on his throat. (Thought he first noticed it on the plane.)

Oh look, Jack and Claire are finally a family.

Woo, tricky, evil sideways!Desmond! (Good fake American accent.) What could he be up to???

So now that everyone's sympathizing with the poor Smoke Monster, we have to kill him.

Oh, BTW, where the bloody hell is Ben????????????

Wow, everyone seems to be so devastated over the loss of the Kwon's. What about Sayid? And Charlie? And Locke I? And Michael? And the cast of thousands that have died before them? Why is this one hitting them so hard?

OMG, Bennnnnnnnnn!!!!!!! *glomp*

LOL. Sorry, I just can't help laughing. I mean, I hate seeing Ben getting beaten like that, but you just know Michael Emerson feels naked without all those cuts on his face. (Mmmm, Besmond! Hot stuff. Hey, somebody's gotta replace Bayid.) And he landed exactly like he did when Des threw him in the water at the marina.

[Edit: OK, I take back my laughter, now that I've learned ME got a real-life black eye from that. In fact, it was such an unusually realistically brutal-looking beating, I actually looked away for about half of it. :( Ian must've felt terrible afterwards. Prolly not as terrible as Michael though.]

Richard: "After you left, I buried her." Ha, it was Annie!

[Edit: I've just been informed by spicedogs that it was actually Alex's grave ... makes sense since that's just about where she died. Must pay closer attention! OMG, how am I going to sit through the finale at my friends' house without my computer? And not talk through the entire show??? Well, except for the inevitable "Holy ___"s that are sure to be filling the air! This'll be the first time in six years I've ever watched the show with another fan, let alone three Others!]

Ben: "It's where I was told I could summon the monster. That's before I realized that it was the one summoning me." Yay, he realizes he's been the one being manipulated the whole time.

Oh thank God, he doesn't recognize Zoe. She's not Annie. I hope.

OK, now this is getting awesome! Ben and Richard, a team once more. (And so much potential for a marathon snark-off between the consummate kings of sarcasm, Ben and Miles!)

Great "WTF are you doing???" face Ben just made at Richard for telling Widmore what they were up to!

"It's Dr. Linus, actually." OK, Benjypoo, we'll remember that.

LAPD, could Sawyer be far away? Ha, Sawyer and Miles. This is totally Crash.

Des: "I'm the suspect." Was that a confession? (He forget to add "alleged.")

OMG, Sayid!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back! *smooch*

Little Jacob again. (That kid looks so much like grown-up Jacob, I never had any doubt who he was.)

What? Are there two Jacobs on the island or is he just changing form? (A medium told me that spirits can appear at any age they wish.) What? He's burning himself up? How many times can you burn the same set of ashes?

Jacob: "We're very close to The End, Hugo." Gee, thanks for reminding us. Waaaaaaah! :(((

Ben: "Give me your walkie-talkies."

Widmore: "Why?"

Ben: "Because I asked."

Yes, Ben, anything you say. (He's so persuasive.) ♥ ♥ ♥

Fuck!!!!!!! Did Smokey just kill Richard? Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *prays he just pushed him out of the way*

Ben to Smokey: "Can I get you a glass of lemonade?" OMG, he's got his mojo back, in spades. He is so onto not!Locke now.

Alex: "You're like the nicest guy ever." So true. :)

Awww, finally, Rousseau and Ben, together at last. I wuv it!!!!!!

Alex's dad died when she was 2. Hmm, she wasn't born yet when Danielle was on the island. So was she never on the island in sideways time then?

Awww, Ben's cwying. Mmm, she'll put in less onions "next time." Yesssssss! (Um, sorry to bring this up, but cooked onions don't make you cry. Silly Ben, still such a liar.)

Shucks, he killed Zoe. I'm crushed. Can I get you a glass of lemonade? (She should've been wearing a red shirt, like Frogurt and Juliet.)

So why does Smokey bother appearing as Locke when everybody's cottoned on to who he really is?

Holy ... Ben just killed Widmore! "He doesn't get to save his daughter." Now Widdy was the one he should have killed if not for those damn Rules, whatever they are. So Ben's taking Sayid's place as the killing machine. At least he's doing his own dirty work.

Wow, they can all see Jacob, at long last.

Yes, tell us, Jacob!!! Better talk really fast before the fire burns out. You got six years to cover!

Oh, stop trying to advertise other TV shows to us, ABC. There simply is no more TV after Lost! (Except maybe House and anything starring Simon Baker's sublimely beautiful hair.)

So Desmond was there to help Locke let go ... My theory: Desmond is the link ("Constant") between both worlds (he lives in both), and he's trying to get Locke to "cross over" too and save the day.

Sawyer was doing just fine before Jacob dragged his ass to this damn rock? Haha. Yep, it was obvious he brought them all to the island cuz they were all broken and needed a second chance.

What's wrong with becoming a mother?

What's with all the killing? Maybe there is no "good" in Lost mythology. (I still don't get "what they died for." Why did anybody, let alone so many, have to die just to protect the light?)

Oo, Jack wants to be the boss. (Like in the Bible, the first shall be last? No, I guess not. Dang. I so wanted Hurley to be the new Jacob.) Of course, he won't have to kill Locke once Locke's sideways consciousness returns to the island.

Oh, come on, the finale is going to be a f-ing commercial for Verizon? Give me a damn break! I might switch from AT&T, but I'm never getting Verizon after this! Damn commercialization. No wonder Jacob hates technology.

LOL, Doctor Jack has a God complex. Who would have thought.

Oo, directions to the heart of the island, finally. *facepalm* Past the bamboo. Of course! Why didn't we think of it before?

Now Jack drinks the magic liquid. "Now you're like me." Just like Jacob's fake mother told him. Figures it would be all about Jackass in the end. :(

Back to the jail. Aw, the breaking of the fellowship already.

Mmmm, Des + Sayid. It's the glory days of Season 4 all over again! :D

Ana Lucia: "Where's your friend?" Hmm, Widdy? What, Hurley? Cool, dude. "Do I know you, Tubby?" How rude! (I so hope this is that bitch's last scene.)

Woo, Des is with Sayid. Yessss! Going to a concert. Like an actual date! (OMG, will Charlie be there?) Whoa, this is going so well, how are they going to totally screw it up in the finale?

Ben: "If you can turn yourself into smoke anytime you want, why do you bother walking?"

Smokey: "I like to feel my feet on the ground." That still doesn't answer why he poses as Locke instead of his original Namelessness.

Ha! He's gonna destroy the island. I so knew it! (After the second time I watched "Ab Aeterno" and figured out what his smashing the wine bottle meant.) With Desmond's help? I don't think so. Unless ... has he finished reading Our Mutual Friend yet?

Whoa, I am so going to re-watch this one again and again!!!

lost, ben linus, michael emerson, tv

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