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spicedogs March 24 2010, 14:44:37 UTC
It's Ilana's eye's turn to wake up. (Why not Richard's?)

I was wondering why they started the show with Ilana. That just didn't make sense.

Richard: "This isn't an island. We're all dead. We're in hell." I thought the writers discounted that theory! Even though Charlotte said, "This place is death."

Isn't it funny how the writers or Darlton, for that matter, always denied what we always surmized: The characters are dead and the place is either Hell or Purgatory.

Is this whole episode going to be in subtitles??? How do they expect me to write live commentary and read subtitles at the same time??? Geez! ;)

As per subtitles, I pretty much couldn't do much typing while watching. I was (don't ask why) watching the show on my 9-inch TV instead of the 32-inch one. It was difficult watching, reading, and typing. At one point, I gave up.

Arr, a rollicking seafaring tale. That was short. OK, how'd they get from Europe to the middle of the Pacific? (And you're going to say it moved to the middle of the Atlantic, how come it still has a Hawaiian jungle on it?) I thought they said the Black Rock was a slave ship. So these five Spaniards are the slaves??? Are they saying in 1867, the English kept Spanish people as slaves? Where??? And what was all the dynamite for?

LOL-GeograpHy is not the writer's forte. I guess they were trying to tell us that Jacob's magnetic pull was so strong that a ship bound from the Canary Island to the Americas could wind up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Then again, they may not the on Earth, as they may all be dead anyway.

I was wondering about the Spanish keeping white slaves in the 1800s. I don't remember that in my history lessons. And what kind of ship was it that it only carried 5 slaves. Heck those slaves had comfortable quarters comparatively speaking with those slaves who were shipped from Africa.

Island guarded by the devil ... so one of them knows what the devil looks like?

I guess the devil looks like the fertility goddess who was guarding the island.

So the statue was broken even then. Yet it was whole in the Dharma period???

I think you are not thinking the timeline correctly here. The Castaways saw the full statue while they were time travelling. I believe that they time travelled to the period before the Black Rock landed on the island.

Nothing like a good waterboarding to make you feel alive.

I took it as a baptismal rite. LOL

At least Jacob says he can't bring Richard's wife back ... but he can make him live forever. The touch. (It's like Fantasy Island, where your wish goes horribly wrong. Gee, last week it was Little House on the Prairie; what's it going to be next week, The Love Boat?)

This statement is so freaking awesome? LOL. LOST is saluting so many other shows.

Isabella: "Tell him his English is magnificent." Like she would know, lol. (Like when people who didn't know sign language used to tell me how good my signing was.)

She's a ghost. She knows. LOL. That was a stupid line.

What I still don't get is how some fans still theorize that Jacob is the bad guy and Smokey is the good guy? Smokey viciously kills people and has no qualms about it, all for his selfish end of getting off the island. Jacob doesn't seem to be hurting people; they seem to have a better life on the island than they did or would off of it.

Some people can't accept that, even though, Smokey may be using Locke's body, he is still not Locke. Many are theorizing that Locke can't be evil. Honestly.

This show is full of bumpy rides. I love it!


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