boosting the signal - kitty adoption assistance needed!

Aug 11, 2010 10:13


My roommate found this kitten the other day crying in the rain outside our apartment. I've called basically every shelter within a 3 hour drive and they are all full (thus she will be euthanized if I don't find anything). This kitten is super cute, affectionate, and playful, so I'm sure she would have no trouble getting adopted, but I'm moving in a few days. I've posted on Craigslist and in other communities, but have yet to find anything promising.

If you know anyone in Iowa (near Cedar Rapids, Iowa City or Waterloo), St. Louis, Nashville or anywhere along the way who may want a kitten, would you please let them know she needs a home? I can take her as far as Nashville, but I'm then heading back to Oregon and the trip is really too long/difficult to have this kitten with me. This is seriously one of the nicest kittens I've ever seen and I do not want her euthanized!

Please contact the OP if you can help or know someone along that route!
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