temporarily arisen from the dead! and an invite!

Jun 17, 2010 10:58

I need to do a huge update, profess my undying love for those still following this journal, and give some extra digital hugs to those that need 'em. In the meantime, I thought those in the tri-state region might be interested in this:

THIS SATURDAY! At Laurelhurst Park in Portland, OR, there will be a presentation of Two Gentleman of Lebowski! This Shakespearean take on the Big Lebowski movie is a work of love by a fan (but not us), and our dedicated team as put together a reading for those that are interested in hearing the magnificence. Free, hopefully sunny, and definitely NSFW (children beware).

Both worshipthesnake and I have roles in it, feel free to bring delicious fresh fruit to throw at us if we flub. ;) I've been craving strawberries, myself. Blankets advised, umbrellas if it rains, sunscreen if it doesn't. And don't forget the white russians!!

Also, this Friday at the Beaverton Powell's will be Jacqueline Carey, and I am going to be there clutching as many books as I dare. Feel free to join me in line.

Other than those items, I'm keeping alive by day-dreaming about leaving this job and hugging Mr B and the cats tight every evening. Hopefully I'll be moving on to bigger and brighter things by the end of the year. Links to artwork, coming soon! Really!! I even took out a SaraToons blog on wordpress.

EDITED TO ADD: I'll check with Mr B, but we're probably good to offer crash space to those that might need it. Throwing in a possible trip to karaoke on Saturday night at the local pub.

life, drive-by update, invite

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