so I haven't been on in awhile

Aug 11, 2007 11:03

I am working now out of the branch right near our house. Very nice, short commute, mostly cool people, and I'm only filling the gas tank every other week, and run home for lunch. Yay!

However, with me being too busy at work, and lj blocked, and getting home late most nights, I'm zonked and not online pretty much at all except the weekends. I'm trying to be more proactive in doing stuff, but this shift in workload is a bit stressful, since right after I moved into this office, the woman training me left for a week vacation. And me with twenty loans in my pipeline, who can't even contemplate getting enough free time to complete the mandatory training courses online that I'm getting second warning emails about.

For the most part I'm happy; I'm busy during the day, I have an amazing man who treats me like a goddess, and three cats that are always ready for scritches. We're socializing more than we did in That Place Which Shall Not Be Named (seriously, I got told I shouldn't mention this fact, even though when I do it is so that I can say how delighted I am to be out of there) and overall spending less money, so all the bills are getting paid except for my mom, and she is a patient mom, and is willing to put up with me sliding for a few months. Mr. B is getting more job nibbles, and I'm quite certain that it is just a matter of time before the right company gets wind of his resume.

I've no idea what is going on in the world, for the most part, short of what people tell me and what I catch via commercials and occasionally the Daily Show. And thanks to one particularly nasty phone call, I'm now aware that [workplace] is responsible for the Downfall of American Society. Times that like, I always lament that my desire to keep my job prevents me from ever responding to idiots with the comments I'd like to. Always the question dwells in my mind, when idiots call for any reason, "And why are you telling me?" At what point did responsibility for your current temper tantrum become mine? Would you also blame your local banker for rising interest rates? I just work here, sir.

Current goals include: making it through Ikea without killing any of the Burbites. Miss the kiddies by hitting a late showing of Stardust. Going early to museum tomorrow to hopefully draw many nifty pictures of Rembrandt. And with any luck, come Monday, manage to gird myself for another week. This time I won't make the mistake of watching Office Space late Sunday night.

I'm guessing though I'll be online a bit more once we get a non-mac wireless (the wonders of being back with Comcast, how I loathe thee...) it will, in theory, be more for purposes of getting my creative stuff consolidated and then marketed. I think Mr. B will have problems with me if I don't get the unicorn tshirt design polished and printed. Because Unicorns Fuckin' Rule.

life, work, portland

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