Jun 20, 2006 16:32
I should have just stayed home this morning. It was a bad day, and only started to get better a little while ago. First off, I called the babysitter this morning, and explained to her why I hadn't called and that I was trying to save money so that when I really did need her, I could pay her. She said she understood, so I asked her if she was going to be available today to babysit. She said yes, and I told her that I'd bring Jayden there about 11am. I was there promptly at 11am, but she wasn't. That highly pissed me off, I'm going to call some daycare centers tomorrow and see who is cheapest, and all that.
The sitter not being home should have been clue number one that I should have just went on home. But NOOOOOOOOO!!! I was going to go on to the interview, and if I did get the job explain that my next step was enrolling the kids into daycare. So I turn on the road, and see a road block. I get my insurance card out, and open my wallet to get my driver's license, and realize. OH NO!! My license is in my jeans I wore yesterday. SO, I give the officer my insurance card, and my ID, and tell him that my license was at the house. He runs my DL number and lo and behold. My license was suspended. I asked that officer like 6 times if he was sure. I honestly had no fucking clue my license was suspended. Since 2003 at that. So I call my cousin, and her husband comes to get me and Jayden. I call OSPD, that's where my license was suspended and tried to find out why, and at first, no one knew anything. Then they transfered me to the court clerk's office, so I could get something saying that I didn't have a suspended DL. Guess what, she found that I had a ticket in 2003 for an expired tag. That I never paid on. I never paid on it, because I've never had an expired tag. So, I had to send them $235 to get my license back. I called the police station here, and I'm looking at another $300 fine. All for a ticket that I didn't know I had.
Then my cousin's husband asks, "Why don't you just watch kids in your house? You could watch 5 or 6 kids, charge $10 a day, and that would work." Yeah that might work, if I wasn't trying to move back home.
RIght now, I'm watching Jayden get pissed the fuck off because the light from the window is shining onto my wall, and he can't pick it off. That's a big clue to me that he's TIRED, he hasn't really taken a nap all day. So I'm going to put him to bed now.