The Two Sons Job 4/9

Sep 03, 2011 14:29

Title: The Two Sons Job: A Lever Long Enough
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: gen, referenced past Eliot/Amie, Eliot/Dean
Verse: Steal The Sky
Fandoms: Leverage, Firefly, Supernatural, White Collar
Summary: Concering old friends, past history, father-son relationships, and the Burke Seven.
Notes: For the Orphans square on my H/c bingo card.
This is the Steal the Sky version of The Two Horse Job and will, suprise suprise, focus mostly on Eliot's history.
I need a banner for this story/verse. Maybe I should attempt to overcome my photoshop!fail.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three
Warning: Refferenced Dub-con and Non-con. These references may actually become depictions depending on how the story goes but I'll change the warnings to refflect that if it happens.

He’d known. From the very beginning Nate had known it would come down to this.

He’d given Eliot a few hours to pull his plan and briefing together, resisting the strange urge to ask if the man needed help. Of them all Eliot was probably the least equipped to put together a briefing to present to the team. He was intelligent and his reading was getting better every night but…

Then Nate had forced himself to get some sleep (or try, his nightmares were worse than normal) and the next day had begun and they’d called the team together, not even leaving someone on the bridge.

Nate had known despite his difficulties Eliot would have a decent briefing put together, even if it was focused on images and numbers rather than the documents of Hardison’s briefings. He presented his case in a calm orderly fashion, though not talking about his debt to Peter.

His plans were received like Nate had predicted.

Sophie focused on the point that Eliot was proposing going against the organization three of them were on the run from. Parker and Hardison looked plain scared arguing against it. Sam and Dean were quiet their expressions carefully neutral.

The briefing dissolved into an argument the way that Nate predicted it would. Sophie picked up on Eliot’s hidden motivation. Eliot tried to play the ‘respect and obey your elders’ card with Parker and Hardison. It bought him a few minutes of silence from Hardison at least. Then Eliot asked Parker if she’d ever stolen an agent and she reminded him she’d stolen herself.

Things got heated and finally Nate gave a low whistle, getting them all to quiet down.

“How would you do it?”

Eliot looked over a hint of gratitude in his eyes when Eliot explained. “The grounds for Caffery being taken away is Burke’s being investigated for evidence tampering. As far as my source could tell me he’s being framed by a criminal he and Caffery are going after who have connections in the agency that stole the evidence. We steal the evidence back and use it to clear Peter’s name. Being able to connect it to the Agency agents responsible so they can’t do it again would be good to.”

Eliot brought up a screen with some schematics, talking about the pieces already in play and waiting for their arrival.

The others got sucked into the planning one by one, even Dean and Sam adding the insight they’d gained in their battles.

Nate couldn’t help but smile a little. They were neurotic and damaged at best but sometimes their inability to leave a problem unsolved was useful.

A few minutes of planning ticked by before they circled back to how insane this was.

And, as Nate knew it would, it came down to Parker and Hardison.

To a moment of quiet.

“Caffery wants to stay with Burke.” Eliot said finally. “Its as close to freedom… We got lucky. We can’t rescue him but we can help him stay with a Handler who treats him like a person.”

It came down to this moment right here.

Part of it, Nate knew, was that Eliot was asking. As much as Eliot tried to hide it they knew he didn’t have long left and that made telling him no ever just a little bit harder.

But really?

In the months since Osiris and the start of this whole mess Nate had been learning, piecing together bits, figuring out how their lives had worked and been like.

And it all came down to the first thing they were taught as children and kept them alive until they were adults. It kept the fraying structures of clans and violent chaos of life at bay. It was such a powerful force of concept in Olympus that even brought up in almost total isolation it was engrained in Parker’s behavior only a little less deeply than the others.

The children of Olympus were orphans, either through the deaths of their familys that led to them being taken or by virtue of being surrendered completely to the project. They were brought to a strange planet on a barren moon where there innocence and self-worth was systematically stripped away while their personalities and bodies were broken down and rebuilt.

And through all of that the only constant, the only thing that could be relied on, was that the agents worked and fought and lived and died together. The older agents took care of the younger agents. The fighters protected those weaker than them. The hackers kept the secrets. Those with more experience taught those with less to help them survive.

They depended on each other. It was the only way to survive.

And now they were free. These three orphans, agents.



They were free. By virtue of some giant con and coincidence they’d found their freedom and they were being given this chance to help one of their own still living by Olympus’ rule and they…

“It’s not much but…” Eliot added softly.

Hardison sighed and said something in Greek.

There was a short pause and Parker responded like she was finishing a saying eyes drifting from the table toward Eliot.

He smiled at them both, relief, gratitude, even something maybe close to hope. “Some Leverage might help.”

It was dangerous, beyond dangerous, but they could do this.

There was no way they couldn’t try.

Later Nate sat down with the voice recorder he kept on record around the former agents and a translator and worked through what had been said, working closer to an understanding of Greek.

With the final bit translated he sat back and smiled, the turn of the old quote and it’s new meaning, the chance and hope, seeming all too appropriate for the ship.

If we all push a little bit we can change the turn of the world.

character: nathan ford, fandom: leverage, fandom: firefly, verse: steal the sky, challenge!fic: bingo, fandom: white collar, character: eliot spencer, fandom: supernatural

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