Title: Give and Take
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Pre-Nate/Sophie, hinted pre-Dean/Eliot
Steal The SkyFandoms: Leverage, Firefly, Supernatural
Summary: Three times Dean was caught taking care of Eliot, and the (many) time(s) Eliot took care of Dean.
Notes: This is after the Things They Carried arc and happens over the course of the first three
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Also the drama, but that speaks for itself I think.
Thanks anyway though! I may eventually have Eliot steal a section of the hold for a garden (or as much of one as he can get).
You'd think after a couple centuries of fresh food being rare on ships and nearly as hard to get on the hardscrabble planets of the Edge, the lightbulb would go on and they'd do the obvious. (they'd have to be doing it on the stations anyway)
Then, Out of Gas cinched it in my mind- their systems and cash flow for restocking are dodgy anyway, so they should have some independent auxiliary, and although hydroponics couldn't replace ships recycling systems, it's always designed to take some of the burden off!
And, after a wakeup call like this situation, where one of the crew can't survive on rations- again, wouldn't one of these brilliant minds come up with a no brainer solution? (wouldn't need a big space-high density greenhouse systems already exist, btw;)
Briefly then, "A three by three foot patch of well planned earth" No, that wouldn't be viable- but that same area, as a tiered contained system on a 12-foot vertical? would produce several pounds of food/day, and 3-4 such units would do it year round. And *that* would be cost effective:)
And I am shutting up now- to go read more;)
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