Ask me about a pairing (or character) I have written (or haven't and you think I should write) and I will give you five facts about them or a ficlet or a song that is CLEARLY THEIR SONG or what they order from the Chinese place down the street, etc, etc
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2. Adrian's favorite clothing catolouge is The Pyramid Collection but she's only ever been able to afford one shirt from it. She loves some of the dresses but reasons that it's not like she has anywhere to wear them to even if she could afford one.
3. Her favorite musical is Les Mis, though she thinks Cozet is a whimp, Marius is kind of creepy, and Eponine is crazier than she is.
4. She finds it amusing that Eliot accidentally refferenced Star Wars when he rescued her and the more she gets to know Hardison the more she's tempted to tell him.
5. Five years after the fic a new thief appears on the international stage. Known only as The Journeyman she fights, grifts, and steals her way across Europe and Asia for four years then vanishes.
Six months later Eliot Spencer offically retires from the retrieval buisness. His few trusted contacts are forwarded to Adrian Wheeler.
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