The Grade Four Job

Dec 06, 2010 16:41

Title: The Grade Four Job
Author: Magpie
Rating: PG
Pairing: gen
Verse: AU and somewhat of a crack!fic
Summary: Forced to plan on the edges of a playground the team undertakes a dangerous new mission.
Notes: Inspired by a story my mother told me. Apparently there was a time when she and her friends pulled off similar capers with regularity.

“So we have a plan then.” Nate says, meeting each of their eyes, his voice whisper low. The playground of the local elementary school wasn’t exactly Nate’s apartment and with all the kids running around there was no telling who would be trying to listen in. “I’ll distract Mrs. Prentice, then Parker…”

“Will climb the fence and pick the lock so that Sophie can get out.” Parker responded already looking over her shoulder at the fence that seemed so much taller to them than it really was. Of course, Parker liked this.

“Meanwhile I’ll be keeping taps on the local police chatter and managing communications.” Hardison stated, looking around to make sure everyone had the tech he’d handed out just moments before. “You all got your coms?”

Eyerolls and nods met his question even as Eliot put in. “I keep an eye on Hardison and make sure Jim and his boys don’t cause problems.” Eliot cast a weary eye toward the wanna-be gangsters lingering on the far edge of the black top.

“They shouldn’t smoke.” Parker commented, following his gaze. “Mr. Holworth says it’s bad for you.”

“We know Parker.” Sophie told the girl with an indulgent smile before turning her attention back to the task at hand. “Once Parker gets me out I’ll head down the street to McCrory’s and charm our contact into getting me the merchandise.”

Eliot muttered something about melodramatic actor wanna-bes showing off that Nate chose to ignore before nodding. At least *Sophie* was acting like she was supposed to.

“Alright.” He said with a decisive nod. “Lets go steal a candy store.”
Sophie and Parker headed off to start their part and he could just barely hear Parker ask Sophie. “I know we’re just sneaking out of recess to buy Pixie sticks and Nate’s just being Nate but do you think we could actually steal a candy store? I’ve never done that before.”

The modified two way (now five way) radios crackled into life in time for Nate to catch Sophie’s response. “Maybe next year. I think you have to be in fifth grade to steal entire buildings.”

character: nathan ford, fandom: leverage, character: team!fic

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