Notes: This is a Nate/Werewolf!Eliot/Sophie verse written for my first H/C bingo card (I'm making a cross using the squares Orphans and Runaways, Werewolf: First bite/first transformation, Wild Card (Werewolf:seperated from pack), Electricution, Fear of Clowns, Bruises, Domestic Abuse: Physical, Old Fashioned Medical Treatments, and Head Trauma). Also includes the Feburary Challenge (Werewolf: Silver Poison, PTSD, Rape/recovery, and Body Hatred) as well as a Christmas Ficcing of Joy fic. This series is currently closed but I may, eventually, come back to it.
Now with an awesome banner by Hollow_echos!
Those Who Were LostOrphans and Runaways: One of Eliot's explanations strikes a little too close to home.
When a New Moon ShinesWerewolf (first bite/first transformation): A job goes south and everything changes
Stranger in a Strange BodyWildcard (Werewolf, Seperated from Pack): Some changes are easier to adapt to than others.
First SparksElectricution: Later they would have this as comfort and condemnation.
Laughing MattersFear of Clowns: Hardison likes to think he's raised not thinking about things to an art form.
PurpleBruises: Parker doesn't like the color Purple.
BreatheDomestic Abuse (physical): He's standing at the door, wondering how he got here, and just telling himself to breathe
Moving ForwardOld Fashion Medical Treatment: Things have changed again but Nate can only wonder why it took this long.
Those Who Are FoundHead Trauma: It's been a long few months since that night they were reminded of a time they were lost.
How Hard it RainsFebruary Challenge: After a job goes South Sophie and Eliot have a talk.
Not actually anywhere in the timeline but set in this verse:
Moon WishChristmas brings an unexpected gift.
Warnings: Contains fluff, de-aged Eliot, and Christmas. May cause diabeties.