Dec 07, 2003 14:33
things i *heart*:
Jason Mraz
music in general
people who are just so stupid its funny
potatoe soup
a good conversation (how corny)
angry music when feeling angry
happy music when happy
sad music when feeling sad
Chumba wumba's i get knocked down for any damn emotion there is
third eye blind
snow days
my little pony
the 80's
dancing like a lunatic
screaming at the top of my lungs
singing at the top of my lungs
when people are annoyed at you (like when u scream and everyones like SHUT UPPPP) hey, i think its funny...
the beatles
the like, ten minutes before band
making fun of mr andreas
allyson (more than sarabeth :p)
overnumber unencumbers numbered words
a good book
the feeling of accomplishment (more corniness, i know)
harry potter
johnny depp
lord of the rings
making other people happy