May 14, 2008 09:07
It's been way too long since I last visited this site. For some reason, I feel it necessary to put some thoughts down while I'm at work, since I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I'm still learning a lot.
Long story short:
x. out of school right now--taking some time off
x. worked at one dead end job, employer sucked, got another dead end job, got a fantastic one instead so I quit dead end job #2.
x. still not driving (hahahahaha. I'm a loser.)
x. boyfriend and I still going stronger than ever. It's been 2 years and over 3 months now.
x. reunited with cousin & Corey. Bizarre, but I'm so happy.
What I really wanted to talk about was the fact that there seems to be a lot happening in the world. There's this major disaster going on in Myanmar, and China...and there's a series of wildfires burning down in Florida, and my aunt lives there, and houses are literally burning down around hers. Then there's the war in Iraq and the Middle East, with no feasible end in sight.
It's rather depressing that the state of the world can effect my mood so.
Or maybe it's because I'm already depressed? Hmm.
Then there's family. Grandma and Grandpa just arrived in their new home state of Colorado, and last week was the last time I'll probably ever see them alive again. They're both so old and sick and in bad shape that I can't foresee a happy ending to their move out to Colorado. It saddens me.
Sarah and I may have made up and buried the hatchet, but I hardly ever see or hear from her. I know she's busy, and so am I, but we should try harder. Myself especially. I procrastinate way too much, and it ends up just ending badly for me.
Megan and I rarely ever get to speak or hang out anymore either. We live in the same house yet we don't communicate nor do we spend much time together. She goes out with Justin every day, and I'm usually at work. (which, she still doesn't have a job yet! It's been over 6 months!) We started watching Fullmetal Alchemist together, but we haven't gotten a chance to watch any further past the end of season one. (sigh).
Charley and I hardly speak, even when we do hang out. I keep getting the impression that there is some deep cavernous chasm inside of him and it keeps widening. I don't think I've ever met anyone so lonely in all my life. I want to help, but I'm not sure how to. Is there anything you can really say to someone who is so lost?
The first "Death Note" movie is coming to Cinemark, May 20 and 21st at 7:30. The Bleach movie, "Memories of Nobody" is going to be shown in theaters in June apparently. I'm kind of excited. I've already seen them both, except the Bleach movie is going to be in the English dub, whereas the "Death Note" movie was done live-action in Japan, so hooray for subtitles.
I need to hop on the learning train and learn Japanese. It's time I pulled my head out of the sand and woke up to the world outside.
Life doesn't wait forever.