Mar 21, 2011 21:31

hai and hello everyone...

i know its totally late for my intro but yeah,afterall i still need to introduce myself here :D

so first of in my ID,just call me MOONCHILD (though not real name,,sorry~)
i'd love to use the name KIM as my first name (as in Korean though i'm not korean) so it would be as...

i've reach 20 by this year(2011)
i born on valentine day which is 14 REBRUARY and i trully love RED and ROSES..heehee

i am a fan of a boyband, the LEGEND of Korea...i would love to call myself a CASSIOPEIA..inter of course..

Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK), Tong Vfang Xien Qi (TVXQ), ToHoShinKi (THSK) ===>
===>The Rising Gods of The East
consist of 5 boys and now all five of them had turn into very amazing men...
1> Kim JAEJOONG = Hero
2> Jung YUNHO = U-Know
3> Park YOOCHUN = Micky
4> Kim JUNSU = Xiah
5> Shim CHANGMIN = Max

yoochun, tvxq, welcome, yunho, junsu, dbsk, cassiopeia, jaejoong, changmin

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