This week was decent, long, but decent. As stated in a previous entry, I had a snow day. No school, yayyyy~!!! Although, I had no one to play with, boooo~!!! >_< I wish Mel coulda been there or anyone for that matter. That's what I get for being isolated in the prison called suburban life I suppose. Just to make sure I didn't waste the snow day, looky at what I made in the snow!!!
Sh said that she liked them, which makes me happy :] After 6 days, I finally got messages from her lol. I wish she wasn't so busy al the time, but ::sigh:: c'est la vie. Well the day after, there was just enough snow to make a late arrival, but I was stil late for school. I swear, I have some kind of waking disorder. Asides from the fact that I can't hear A THING when I dream. So the day of the late arrival, everyone was talking about how there was supposed to be 6-8 inches of snow. There wasn't a single flake of snow that night >_< Fuckin weatherman...I swear, that's the only job where you can pretty much lie to people for a living, asides from being a defense lawyer.
So today, we took family portraits, like...My WHOLE family XD It was so cold though cause we took it by the ocean. I'll post the pics once I get em. Afterwards, I got my guitar restrung, FINALLY!!! And I got a cable for my amp, so I can use my distortion pedal that I bought in like...July XD Procrastination is a bitch sometimes lol. Right now the wait seemed worth it, my guitar sounds GREAT and the new sound my bass has is KICK ASS. Loud, belligerent, explosive, the way metal should sound!!! lol. Well that was my week, how was yours???
As for now, I'm having another one of those lonely nights = ( Mel needs to get a new phone!!! >_< I hope she can come here for graduation, a couple of my cousins wanna go with me to pick her up if she comes lol. I was talking to my dad about it and what I'm supposed to say to my mom..."Just tell her that she's your friend. I can keep a secret." My dad is so awesome :] ::sigh:: I miss Mel = ( Strangely enough, I'm happy despite that. Well, good night folks!!!