I noticed this kitten early during the week on my back patio, cuddling up to my very old black cat Frost. Frost is about 18 and was fixed after her very first litter. Frost was never meant to have kittens, that first and only litter was a complete accident due to my then room mate's stupid boyfriend letting her out during her very first heat. I had specifically told him NOT to let her out. She'd been set up to be spayed when she went into heat, and it was only postponed so she could come out of it first before her operation. She had an appointment all set up, when fate decided that there needed to be a lot more black kittens (five, and one tabby kitten) in the world. Since then Frost has always been a prickly alpha kitty to other grown cats, but she's a total sweet heart to "her babies" as well as humans, and had a habit of grabbing my clean sock balls and a few individual socks, and treating them like kittens.
omg... should I name this new wild kitten sock ball? It just occured to me it's like my white socks with the gray soles and heel (>_<) ack!!! The kitten is white, with a large gray saddle on it's back, and a light small patch of grey on it's upper face. It's freaking ADORABLE, and totally feral. I've seen no other kittens so I reckon it's an abandoned lil bit who took to the wild as a second nature. Not quite a sleek short hair but not persian long, it's a beautiful poofy kitty.
Anywhoo I leave my garage up just a few inches so the gas fumes of my emergency gas cans will not build up, and coming home from work friday saw the kitten in my garage as I came home. I immediately closed the garage door, and my car is parked outside right now. I have all weekend to capture the kitten and try and tame it. sigh... I'm pretty sure it's a little girl. I've been wanting another kitten rather desperately lately, even though I need another cat like a hole in the head. Case in point Evil has been marking my bedroom again, the unholy little beast. If he weren't so off the ten point scale of beautiful, he'd be a pair of soft fur gloves by now. sigh. Evil really is gorgeous though, thick beautiful short pelt softer than rich cream, gorgeous colors of burnished gold caramel and chocolate in a marbled swirl, the tips of his fur are glittering METALLIC dark gold glitter... Yes he is a pure bred Marbled Bengal with all those gorgeous recessive traits. He's also sweet as pie. If only he didn't spray, and didn't knock everything off any table top or high surface ... He killed my modem a few weeks back by knocking a cup of water on it
I've even, gods forbid, considered maybe studding him out. I'd have to go get his papers sigh, and perhaps finding someone with a female Bengal they'd like serviced and taking my fee as pick of the litter. I know Evil would throw the most supremely gorgeous babies. And something just keeps me from getting the little spray monster fixed. He's not as majestic as his daddy Riot, he's a cheeky thing because he KNOWS he's totally gorgeous, and even though he's some years old now, he's still a great big kitten.
Anyhoo off to catch a kitten. a little moggie babie may keep me from doing something stupid, like buying another breed quality kitty. I'd been thinking perhaps another Gogees kitten, like Riot to be Evil's mate. But I just bought my second Second Life Island and a new laptop, so I don't think it's wise (or economically possible) to drop another few grand on a cat. Once I get the house all tidied up though, maybe I can invite some other Bengal Breeders over for coffee, tea, and cat trading. See if any has older female kittens of breed quality they'd like to place for a lower fee or kittens back. Hmmm, I'd love some spotted babies again. I'm just very bad at taking time to do proper sales. sigh...
stretches, yawns... naps. wakes up to go catch kitten!
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulMooncatx goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Pounce the Catstalker.
allaine77 gives you 11 purple orange-flavoured gummy bats.
dlblue gives you 6 softly glowing root beer-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
kishuku gives you 14 pink coffee-flavoured nuggets.
patrickat gives you 5 red cherry-flavoured pieces of taffy.
pqravik gives you 7 orange cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
quinceyforder gives you 2 purple blueberry-flavoured jawbreakers.
roguederek tricks you! You get a dead frog.
seri_wavelength gives you 10 mauve grapefruit-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
slai tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
summer_jackel gives you 13 milky white lime-flavoured jawbreakers.Mooncatx ends up with 68 pieces of candy, a dead frog, and a broken balloon.Another fun meme brought to you by