During the (often not so) festive season people will pass by us animals will cross our paths and we will see and hear things which we maybe for a moment wonder what is going on, often ignoring it with a thought of 'ah well it is Christmas or New Year. Each of them will be a snap shot in our lives, true someone may talk to us in a pub on a works night out, a little worse for wear, you will see kids messing about with a dog and not think what in each instance may happen after you go home.
We will turn up at parties and buy gifts which often for the recipients will mean very little, a bottle of wine at £4 - £8 maybe will be drunk without even thinking about it, a present meant as a joke gift costing £10 will be looked at for the day its given and then after 3 months sitting in a room without ever being touched, will if you are lucky, be passed on to a charity shop, but much will go into landfill and contribute to the growing problem of waste management and environmental pollution.
So what is the point of this?
Well the increase in costs for the potential festive season (for some) on the health service, social and community services, charities and support organisations for people and animlas around drink related issues, and thats the issue of those who drink and those who are affected by those who drink, including after care for just 4 weeks after new year will be about 20 million pounds.
What price a drink eh !
So what we hope you may consider doing is buying a drink or a present for a stranger, not as in a physical drink but taking the money for that pint or glass of wine which the person may well just leave on the table anyway as they have had enough, or that bottle of wine which would be taken to a party or even that joke gift you know will last for a moment and then go to landfill more than likely, and give that money to a charity which has direct involvement in helping people or animals who could be affected by the excesses of some during the festive period.
It is very true a few pounds can make a world of difference to a charity or group trying to help people affected by this season and their families and animals, so why not put that money into making a difference.
If a few people give £3 and then a few more, how much good work and support will that enable someone to give, at a time when costs are spiraling, government support is negligable and the needs of these people and animals who suffer so much during this period which can often already be putting fear into their hearts are increasing every year and the support agencies clearly state they dont know how they will cope particularly without help from members of the public to stop them crumbling under the pressure of this demand during such a short period of time each year.
We often think nothing of buying an extra bottle of wine or a 6 pack to take to a party, we think nothing often when out of meeting a stranger and buying them a drink as it is 'that time of year' so why not make a real difference and help the people who help the victims of the festive season ? It takes little more effort than buying that drink or that joke present and could make the world of difference to someone or something for whom the festive season will be anything but !
Please think of a charity which may need some help in relation to this and please make a donation
thank you
It doesnt take much does it and however cynical some folks are, this could be the festive season where someone or something you know is affected by people who cant or wont take notice of when enough is enough or think they know better
With thanks
Aunty Moon