May 27, 2009 14:34
Food time!
I went to run errands today. I needed to get some groceries, so I caught a bus from campus to Davis Square and got some coffee and a pumpkin muffin while I thought about what I wanted. Some produce, simple staples like peanut butter, and maybe some tortilla shells so I can use the refried bean mix that's been sitting in my cupboard.
But hark! What is this?! The farmer's market is up and running! HUZZAH!
It's early in the season so most of the offerings were smoked meats or organic soaps or herb plants. ...Herb plants, oh gods, I want.
I spent so long staring at one of the stalls that a girl behind the table tried to talk me into balcony tomatoes. "But all my pots are currently full," I wailed. They did have some wonderful-looking heirloom mixes that made me debate the merits of replanting some of my potted plants into the yard or something. And salad green starters! But...what do I use to garnish almost everything I really cook? Scallions. And...lo! GREEN ONIONS $2.50 FOR CRATE OF FOUR.
And then I went to get my groceries. Priorities, cha.
When I got home, I scurried upstairs to put my groceries away. I grabbed the biggest metal spoon from the kitchen (I pot-garden, I don't own a trowel, so spoon it was!) and scurried back downstairs and outside to plant my very own green onions. And promptly locked myself out of the house. I am that cool.
Whatevs, man, I had a PROJECT. I tore holes in the landscaping fabric in the "garden" to the side of walkway and dug out little holes and planted my onionssssssss. MINE! I am so deliriously excited to have green onions whenever I need or want them. And only once I had them situated did I start to worry about my being locked out. Priorities, see? (Luckily HM!C was at his lab, about four minutes away, so he came back to rescue me.)
I am excited to go back through my bookmarked recipes and see what requires significant amounts of green onions. I've never dared some of them because of that.
In related-but-different news, I am looking forward to my dinner tonight. I have tortillas, refried bean mix, some canned black beans to open up, salsa, cheddar cheese, and lettuce. I might make a little rice, too. I am going to be in a food coma for DAYS.
(Speaking of black beans, I need to find someplace cheap to get some medium-sized mason jars, I want to start keeping a stash of dried beans and legumes for soups and chilies. Ugh, another thing to spend money on! I guess that will have to wait.)
life in general,