
Nov 29, 2008 23:31

SO much fun to come home and immediately be the bitchy roommate, srsly. Had to bang on first the wall and then her bedroom door to ask HM!K to turn her music down so it wouldn't make the house shake, then later I had to place things in her hands and make her throw them in the garbage can, and then because she insisted on opening the chicken-and-pasta thing that had been in there since the 13th in order to save the plastic ware, I made her take the trash out. BITCHY HOUSEMOTHER RULES WITH IRON FIST OF INTOLERANCE.

OH WAIT and what's THIS?


And so. Everyone and their brother awesomesauce!sister has tagged me for memes in the last month or so. It's Saturday night, I'll do them. And because there were several, I decided to assign myself some pseudo-themes for the first couple of memes.

fireflychen tagged me:
1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself
2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rules clearly
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names
4) No tag back

Strange Megfacts!

1. I can wiggle my left ear.

2. My earliest memory is of the BRIGHT red and blue carpets in my and my sister's room when we lived down the street from my grandmother.

3. I saved my sister's life when I was three or four, she'd fallen off the two-inch ledge we were walking on into a river and I pulled her out.

4. I've only officially broken one bone in my body: my collarbone.

5. I hear music in my head all the time, and only half of it is preexisting.

6. My favorite book as a kid was E. Nesbit's The Enchanted Castle.

7. When I was in seventh grade, my best friend and I wrote notes to each other entirely backwards.

8. I lost the third grade spelling bee by leaving out the first "r" in "library".

9. In standardized testing in fifth grade, I scored in the 99th percentile in every subject. (Things have only gone downhill since.)

10. My favorite thing to draw is a happy frog.

Again by fireflychen:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves in their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people

Things about travel!

1. I will always regret that I did not take off my shoes and socks and touch my foot to the Lia Fiál when I was at an Forrad, on Tara, in 2002. Nothing would have happened, because I'm not ethnically a candidate (oh, and I'm not male), but I still wish I'd tried.

2. Toronto creeps me out. There are NO TREES. I am a country girl at heart and I needneedneed at least five growing things in my sight at all times. Toronto, land of concrete and glass and steel, does not pass muster.

3. Other than flying out to California for four days to visit my sister in San Francisco, I've never been further west than Oberlin College, in Ohio.

4. The place in Ireland I want most to revisit is the Cliffs of Moher, but I'm afraid to ever go back because I barely kept myself from diving off the edge the first time I went. The pull of the sea there was so powerful, and the gulls were wheeling and diving and so free, and the wind was warm and wet and salty and I felt like if I jumped I would fly forever.

5. Places I desperately want to see: Osaka, Tokyo, Cairo, Melbourne, Macchu Picchu, Manchuria, Fiji.

6. I last went to Disney when I was six. I cried through most of the Haunted Mansion, sang along with the Veggie Tales, got Goofy's signature at a brunch (he was the only one I remember asking myself), and really really really enjoyed Space Mountain.

7. Favorite city: Boston. Second favorite: Dublin. One I want to explore again and learn more about: Galway.

8. The place in the US that I most want to return to is New Orleans. I have only been there once, pre-Katrina, and I really want to go back and see what has changed and what has been rebuilt and if there's any way that I could afford to contribute to the rejuvenation of that utterly incredible city.

ANOTHER fireflychen XD!:

1. The last person to tag you was...?
mujun for memes in general, fireflychen for this one.

2. Your relationship with him/her...?
mujun She's totally, epically, amazingly, wonderful. She's an amazing writer and a fantastic person, and I admire her greatly.
fireflychen She's cute, so so so cute! I love her to itty bitty pieces because she's so much fun to flail with and chat with and plot with and she's just fantastic.

3. Your 5 impressions towards him/her ?
mujun Shige!fan, incredible emotive talent, encouraging, funny, hard-working.
fireflychen Multilingual, European-but-Asian, cheerful, Shige!fan, driver!!

4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you ?
mujun REDDO KNITTING. I just...oh god, that still makes me squeak and flail and squee all over the place.
fireflychen "Trivgod," the word that opened my eyes to the true State Of The World and made my insane impulses suddenly make sense.

5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you ?
mujun "GIRLCRUSH" *flutters eyelashes*
fireflychen still "Trivgod," and "Megslave" and "Kimslave," because it's SO TRUE.

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
mujun Have kitties and rowdy downstairs trailerpark!worthy neighbors but be pampered with 24-hour NHK, which is TOTALLY worth it!!
fireflychen Get lots of exciting mail from Luxembourg, and decorate my wall with the postcards and envelopes to make her feel nearer~ <3!

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
Either one of them, I will SOB AND MOURN AND NEVER RECOVER!!

8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
I can't think of a single thing for either!

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
I went raving mad and stopped liking JE fandom and cut them both out of my life? D:! If that ever happens, someone come stab me in the face!

10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...
mujun Sponsor another trip to Tokyo!
fireflychen Smack her French teacher upside the head?

11. Overall impression towards him/her is..

12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you ?
I'm flaily and dorky and fun (I hope)?

13. The character for you for yourself is ?

14. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is ?

15. The most ideal person you want to be is ?
Someone who knows what she wants and works for it.

16. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
I love you, never leave me, okay?

17. Random People: (do the meme if you'd like!)
1) mujun
2) mystic_notions
3) trivialaffair
4) htenywg
5) lilacshrieks
6) zukkii
7) magwana
8) silver_rose88

18. Who is number 2 having a relationship with ?
Mr. Mystery?

19. Is 3 a male or a female ?
Female, I think...

20. If number 5 and 7 got together, would that be a good thing ?
In that they'd be wonderful and creative and awesome together, absolutely. :D 7's husband might have to sign a waiver, though...

21. How about 5 and 8 ?
I have to think that they'd work out pretty well, actually!

22. What is number 1 studying about ?
Um, previously she'd been reading about Crown Princess Masako, I believe, but now I'm not sure. Sumo?

23. When was the last time you had a chat with them ?
...Last week or the week before, we exchanged a few comments on sumo.

24. Is number 4 single ?
To my knowledge, yes, but only because the boys she knows are sillyheads and "forget" that she's a girl because she's so cool.

25. Say something about number 2.
She's wonderful and has great taste in music and has just been incredibly supportive of me over the last few years, I can't possibly thank her enough. <3

And mujun! Tagged me to do the Happy Happy Eito thinger, which means to post something that makes me happy every day for eight days. ❤

What makes me happy today: Long, comfortable car rides with good friends, sharing stories and opinions and music and memories. Spending time with old friends and settling back into the camaraderie you didn't know you were missing.

OH HO, TRO-LOVE, YOU PROBABLY SHOULD NOT HAVE TOLD ME THAT. I LOVE CORRUPTING NEW FANS TO THE FLAILY RETARDED SPARKLY BOYBANDS. I love you and the excuses you give me to go trawling through my favorite YouTube videos and picspam posts and things. Ah, nostalgia~!

Mmmm, whole wheat spaghetti and baked potato. Starch-full but deliciousssssssss.

In other news, SO GLAD TO BE BACK IN BOSTON. I love my family, really, but they're all insane. &hearts

memes, about 'byrd, squee!

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