I have cocoa! Cocoa has mini marshmallows. Must remember to buy mini real marshmallows when next at supermarket. ...Must go to supermarket over the weekend, actually, because I want some freaking veggie chili and I want it now and the produce was lacking today.
Because I have been crazy busy and haven't been able to comment to people's entries like I would like to:
Letter time!!
agirlcalledkil, Wagahai LIVES! I'm going to start graffiti-ing that over "Frodo". Plus, he's totally Nyanta's boyfriend, and Nyanta (and therefore Kei) would be lonely without him!! Also, um, dskjhfalkjsdf THANK YOU FOR TORN.
zukkii, Sorry for making you wonder what was happening to Triv with her crazy status messages yesterday. &hearts! I'd wondered if anyone else was on / had noticed. Also, sorry for dropping the ball on our emails last week! I fail.
drunk_grantaire, D:! I'm so sorry! What's going on?
beckerbell, Are you over the death plague + cold yet? Can I stop spraying cyberspace with germicide? :P I hope you're feeling better, even though now I'm avoiding you because I don't have time to be tempted into watching Giragira.
k_hackett, Good luck on that test! It does sound like avoiding SAG for a while is a good idea.
trowacko, Congrats on that first project! I'm sorry the clinicals are being less wonderful to you.
fireflychen, OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ...Although...technically, I missed it, didn't I? Stupid time zones. Anyway. HAPPY DAY AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! I love youuuuuuuuu.
trivialaffair, So now you know why it kind of weirds me out when you call me sama...? Write me ShoShige. :D!
idealforcolors, Hooray for jobness! I'll let you know when my schedule is worked out. :)
mujun, WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU? I think I've hit the point where I go into withdrawal if I don't get mujun-contact in 48 hours or something. D:!
moonbyrd, Remember that outline that's due tomorrow? For the nine o'clock seminar? About your final paper? That should be fully researched and cited with pertinent articles? You might want to get to work on that.
Cocoa's been drunk, I'm afraid. I'm going to claw out my contacts and jab at my word processor for a while before passing out. The good news is that I slept in today (after napping from about 5:30 to 9, yesterday) and let myself laze for most of the morning, so I'm feeling fairly quiescent in my tiredness. Someday I'll catch up on sleep.
Ah, which reminds me. I need to download the new images and videos from my camera (woo!) and prove to my mother that I have a social life. :) She keeps asking and I never deliver.