Why, to-do list, why?!

Oct 05, 2008 12:11

I just printed out my VOTING REGISTRATION FORM to register for the vote in Massachusetts. Booyah. According to the "make your vote count" widget at http://www.longdistancevoter.org/ Mass and New York are a political toss up. I'm going to trust in New York City to carry the vote away from the Republicans again, and vote as a self-righteous MA liberal. True, the vote will be closer in New York, but I really consider Massachusetts my home. &hearts

[[So if you haven't registered yet, GO DO EET, because the deadlines are coming up fast!]]

So much to do today, argh, so much to do. Articles to read, paper to finish (about 550 words to go!), thesis proposal to poke at, concert I'd like to attend, workshop for HONK! to go to this evening. I've decided to forgo the printing out of articles, for once, because I don't want to waste time fighting with the printer and wasting paper. I'll just annotate electronically in Apple's Preview program, which is both convenient (highlighting and underlining and writing notes and circling, yay!) and frustrating (because the keyboard shortcuts are difficult to remember for some reason).

I need to make coffee, too. I'm reluctant to, because I know HM!K will come in and ask for some, and it's miiiiiine, all miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.


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