Awkward: receiving a phone call from an interested band while at home watching Japanese television shows and being unable to remember English words when speaking to Mumbly Man From Maine. Way to fail at your native language, Meg.
Meme! 10 lj people who make my day!!
magwana, because she's Meg, and she's awesome, and I'm rooting for her job to come through!
beckerbell, because she is hilarious and omg, KRK.
darkeyedwolf, because she is the TOKIO maven, and where would I be in life if she hadn't told me to watch Legend?!
trivialaffair, because...Shige! Sho! Flail! Giving me first crack at everything. Because!! Someday I might even forgive her for eating my brain.
mystic_notions, because she's Sam, and Sam lives in a climate that makes me want to cry, and she's my hero because she is such a genuinely caring person.
idealforcolors, because she's doing all sorts of things that I really really wish I could be doing and she's brilliant and driven.
trowacko, because she never gives up and she's always fun and who doesn't need a friend who gets along with poisonous spiders?
musicgimp, because she's working really hard at a number of things right now and it's really inspiring.
dementiapraecox, because I just cleaned out my gmail inbox the other day and realized that I still haven't gotten through her fourth album of pictures from Japan, because it's been buried under so much other crap!!
losile, because I adore her and I adore her husbot and I'm so looking forward to being able to say that I know someone who will be living in Japan for a long time. Eee!
Aaaaaaaah, is that already 10?! 10 is far too few!
School things start up for me officially next Friday, with a departmental soiree. Um. "So, Meg, how was your summer? Productive?" "Oh, you know, I sat around, fretted, went slightly crazy, worried, panicked, waffled, and failed at the job I finally got. Research? Fieldwork? What's that?"
At least Creepy Housemate will move out soon. Soon! Sooooooon!! I look forward to that day. Unless the cat vanishes, too, in which case I will seriously consider hiring a bruja.
In previously-alluded-to news, TRIV IS EATING MY BRAIN. I hope it tastes like bad jambalaya. D: Suffer, wench!