Sep 18, 2005 15:17
Long time since used no one will read i bet. But i still need to write. Lately i've been acting all happy and stuff well i'm not im really depressed everytime i see a couple or read about them someone is talking about their someone special i get very sad i have never had a guy i like really like me back at least not when it has counted. i know it is really stupid but well i cant help it i try to tell myself to stop being stupid but i still feel like no guy will ever like me. When im watching a movie and i see a happy couple i want to throw something at the screen even if it is my fav movie. As weeks go on it is getting worse and worse i just want someone to notice me and my friends say that im pretty and i havent been all crazy angry and yelling like last year so what is wrong with im starting to think my friends are just too nice. And even if i am pretty why are girls who arent as pretty as me getting guys i mean come on i have big boobs, supposably nice legs and butt, i have big lips, i have good hair, my eyes even i have to say are nice. So what is it what is it. I tell my friends that it doesnt matter to me if i get a date to homecoming but it really does i want a guy to go with so bad hopefully one i like. So why WHY does no guy like me what chain letter did i break to get this bad luck. i want to just sit in a corner and just cry cry till it all goes away. some of my friends say that they understand but they dont they dont because everyone of them that has said that has had a boyfriend and none of them are as a such a romantic as i am. i went on a diet maybe it will help but i kind of have a feeling it wont.