Mar 17, 2013 18:54
That urge to climb had struck again. River crouched on top of a rock, eyes closed, mind coiling among Zerg Brood. Never alone, had River been inclined to hold on to thoughts she might have considered that this longing for heights was a need for a moment of mental separation.
She wasn't, however, prone to analyzing her emotional responses. If anything, her transformation from human to zerg and the connection it had created to that network of minds aware and semi-aware, had made her even more susceptible to losing herself in an emotional flow. That current sent ripples across the Zerg Brood, returning whatever she had sent out somewhat distorted and with even less remnants of humanity.
Pulling in a breath, River folded her wings, attempting stillness both of body and mind. Every dance needs a pause between steps, she knew. She didn't even reach out for Kerrigan, her anchor.
If you need me, call. I'll be here. The voice was a memory. A long time ago. She remembered a name and a face, but the response from the Brood was uneasiness and confusion, and River pushed away from it. It was of no importance anyway. There was no need, and no one to call had there been one.
She was tired of waiting, however.
[NFB, open for Kerrigan if she's around]