36 Weeks!

Apr 28, 2008 15:05

Well, I've made it to the final month of this pregnancy. It's mind-boggling to think that I can reasonably expect to have a whole new person in my life, entirely dependent on me, in one month!

In case you missed the earlier excitement that was hiding under the teal deer, the past week has revealed that I've got gallstones. That and the craziness of life meant no update last week.
Otherwise, stuff goes on. I have a cold (what's new?), my hands, legs and feet are swollen - sometimes to the point of pain, sometimes just pins and needles - and nothing seems to help or stop it.

The day after my hospital stay Splodge quietened down a lot. S/he is certainly still moving - there are still kicks to my bladder, so s/he hasn't turned, unfortunately, but s/he is definitely still moving, just nowhere near as much. I'm also really aware of the persistent ache of bub's head up under where the pain was during my gallstone attack, now.
I'm also becoming more aware of my lower back pain - probably because Splodge is growing so much these days. My shoulders and upper back are aching too, which happens when I'm a bit stressed out.
(One of the things I'm REALLY looking forward to, post-pregnancy is the opportunity to have a massage at the TAFE again! :)

Fairy set up the cot last night, and we sorted through the presents we received so far, and pre-washed all the cloth nappies, blankets and smaller sized clothing. The baby's room is starting to look like a proto-nursery, which is making it all so much more real.


On the topic of gifts people have given us, I'm not sure just who donated the blanket with little bear embroideries on it, but this one made us both giggle:

Fairy thinks it needs a little embroidered swing. I think it needs a little ball gag and a leather paddle!

nursery, baby, body, pregnant, tummy, pregnancy

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